Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday meals

 A bit of a hoarse throat today, so started my breakfast with a Strepsil.
 Followed by morning tea involving coffee, fruit and a variety of sweets.
 Around midday I was able to get some snacks, camembert on crackers and banana cake that I made last night.
 This was my unfortunate lunch and it will be the same again tomorrow. Mm mmm tinned soup.
 Dried cranberries and a nut bar in the afternoon. Again, swallowed within 2 minutes.
 Came home exhausted and dry and had to attack the lozenges and have a peppermint tea with honey.
So tired, this was my dinner. Rice soup and tinned Santa Maria sardines.
Now it is 8.45pm and I have to crash out. More of the same tomorrow.